Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 Year In Review!

Molly McIntire here!
     This is our "Year In Review" post. I'm going to do this at the end of every year, telling you a lot of the interesting stuff that has happened to this blog throughout the year. This is also a good recap post if you're new here and you weren't sure what was happening :)


12th- Our first post!


16th- Taylor's first post! Emily tries on different outfits for the FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!
23rd- Our first poll


20th- Saige's first post!


Nothing particularly interesting...


12th-Natalie's first post! (A collaboration with Saige)
13th- Saige and Natalie are off to camp!


22nd- 1000 pageviews!
25th- We got a Pinterest account! 


8th- Natalie and Saige return!
30th- Ashleigh and Taylor's birthdays!


7th- Our Suggestion Survey was created! (Take a look! you can find it by clicking on the page titled "Help us improve our blog, please!")
29th- Emily's birthday!


6th- 10 followers!!!!


22nd ish- We changed our blog's background to the adorable and cheery look that it has today


17th- My (Molly's) first post!
25th- Christmas! And, the addition of Addie to our family!!

     Now that I look at this, I feel like we didn't do enough stuff...... We are going to try to post a lot more next year! Hopefully there will be more interesting things to put onto our "2015 Year in Review" post!

Happy New Year!
Emily and Friends

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Introducing Addie! An Interview

Merry Two Days After Christmas and a Happy new year from Emily and Friends!!
     OUR OWNER GOT ADDY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!! WHOOP! OK, so I've calmed down now. Hooray! Addie is such a sweet doll! Molly interviewed Addie so that you could learn all about her, so here they are!

      It's Molly here! Well, now that we've kept you waiting for a few days, we'd like to introduce you to Addie Walker! I'm going to interview her for this part. Addie types in red ink. As usual, I'll be typing in orange ink.

 So what's your full name?
Adelaide Maria Walker, but everybody just calls me Addie. 
Why do you spell your name with an "IE" instead of a "Y" like in your books?
Well I needed to add my own spin on it! Our owner said that a lot of other people that have Addy dolls just call them "Addy", and she showed me the "Steampunk Addie" blog and I loved the spelling! So I s'pose that I sorta copied her...
Did you change anything else in your stories?
Yeah, a lot actually. Well I'm not from 1864, so that changes a lot of stuff! My name isn't Aduke like in my books either. 
Anything else?
Um, I'm not from Philadelphia? 
I've noticed that you have a southern accent. Where did you used to live?
Atlanta, in Georgia. 
How old are you? And when's your birthday?
14, and my birthday's on April 9th.
Is there anything in particular that you plan on posting about on the blog?
Hmmm... I'm not too sure yet. 
What kind of stuff do you like to do?
I like reading and sewing. I also love to write stories!
How do you like living in Maple Meadows so far?
Well, y'all are so kind! Also, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's so cold here!!
Well, I've gone through all of my questions here, so I think that we're done! Anything else that you'd like to say?

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more posts about -and from- Addie!
Happy New year!
Molly and Addie

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

An Interview With Ashleigh!

Hi Everybody!

   It's Molly McIntire here, the official interviewer for Emily and Friends! I'm just going to post interviews and news articles that I write from time to time on here. I'm starting a series of interviews of the other dolls that will be happening in 2015, but I'm going to start now with our owner, Ashleigh. Ashleigh posts in black italics, and I post in orange.

Why did you decide to start this blog?
I guess because I like writing stuff, and I love dolls!
What blogs inspired you the most?
Probably Doll Diaries, The Doll Wardrobe, Fun With AG Fan, and a whole bunch of other ones. 
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A NICU nurse.
Which of your American Girl dolls looks the most like you?
Taylor. We both have curly brown hair, and green-brown eyes; but mine are more blue and I have some freckles.
Is there anything that you plan on doing with the blog in the future that you think is worth noting?
Hmmm.... I'd really like to post more, and maybe get a better camera, but other than that, I'm not sure.
What are your favorite hobbies?
Sewing, knitting, crocheting, reading, and some origami. 
When's your birthday?
August 30th, like Taylor!
What is your favorite book?
Uhm, The Fault In Our Stars, probably.
Which AG doll would you like to get next?
Definitely Addy. 
And after that?
If they release a 1950s BeForever doll, I will get her.
What's your favorite color?
Favorite TV show?
Either The Office or Call the Midwife.
Ok! That's all of my questions! Anything else that you'd like to add?
Yes, actually. We should have a post on -or a few days after- Christmas!

Thanks for reading my FIRST post!!!
Molly and Ashleigh

We Owe You Guys An Apology...

     Alright, so we owe you an apology. We haven't posted in a while, and we can't post like, anything that we had planned to post about. Ashleigh(our owner) has been like, CRAZY BUSY these past few weeks; and to add on to that, her laptop hasn't been running Adobe Flash so she can't use Picmonkey to edit her photos. AND, since she has to use her laptop camera, (quick story about that, she actually has a nice camera, she just can't find the cord anywhere and she keeps forgetting to buy one) the pictures really need to be edited and cropped and stuff to make them look decent. Ashleigh's also been working on starting an Etsy shop,(more on that another time) so she's been making things for that too. ANNNND it's almost Christmas and she's making gifts for people. 
     So we're hoping that we can upload and edit our photos by Christmas so we can post stuff! We've kept you waiting on our Craft Time With Natalie and Saige! post, but I don't think that we'll be able to upload it :( Sad times. Anyways, I have to go!

Merry almost-Christmas!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Our Blog Has Been Updated!

Greetings Readers!
     Yay! We finally changed our blog background! We changed our blog's appearance a lot, actually. We also FINALLY convinced our owner to make a page about her, so we can just call her Ashleigh when we write on the blog. We also made a Contact Us! page. That just has our email address and Pinterest info for now. Natalie and Saige have finished writing out their craft, they just need to add pictures now, but our computer's being silly and won't let them use Picmonkey to edit their photos.

     Take a look around! Tell us how you like it. We changed the background, changed some font colors, and made the writing bigger. That's all for now!

Emily and Friends

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Craft Time With Natalie and Saige!

Natalie and Saige here!
     Before we start, everyone at Emily and Friends wishes Saige a super happy belated birthday!!! 
     Thanks! So we have an idea for a new series of posts here, called "Craft Time With Natalie and Saige!". It's a pretty self-explanatory series. 
     What Saige is trying to tell you is that we are starting a crafting series! We've been feeling like, SUPER CRAFTY since we got back from camp in July, but we just can't think of any good crafts! 
     So we need your suggestions! Anything would be a big help. We're thinking of fall/halloween/thanksgiving crafts for right now. We would even accept winter crafts, too!
     You can leave us a comment or email us your suggestions/requests (You could also email us just to say hi!). Just tell us your craft request and if you want us to write your name at the beginning of the post. Example: This craft was requested by DollLover42003! 
     Which would be cool because then our other readers could be like "Woah he/she made an awesome request!"
      By the way, if 2 people suggest the same craft, we'll use both names in the introduction :)
     So that's pretty much it! Thanks for reading and don't forget to request/suggest a craft!

P.S.- Our email is emilyandthedolls@gmail.com, for those who feel like emailing us.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Hello from Emily and Friends!
     Have you seen our blog lately? If you look at our followers, you will see that we now have 10 FOLLOWERS!!!! WOO HOO! Not too bad for only being on Blogger for 9 months, if I do say so myself. We would like to give our followers a BIG, HUGE, GINORMOUS, THANK YOU! Thank you to Doll Daydreams, Shelby-Grace, Ginny June, Maria, AGDTIME, London Peony, Juliet XD, Liberty, Rapunzel Rae, and Ashleigh N. Thank you thank you thank you!!

     In other news, so far, we have only received 1 vote on our suggestion survey. We'd like to boost that number! The more votes that we get, the more improved our blog will be! And we'd like your opinions! Do you think that Taylor should post more? Should we change our font size? Would you just like to say hello? Leave us a note in the suggestion box at the bottom of the survey. You can find it at the top of the page, where it says "Help Us Improve Our Blog, Please!". It will be greatly appreciated.

     Thanks Again!
     Emily and Friends

Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Emily!!

Saige here!
     It's Emily's birthday today! We had a little party for her. We all put some money towards getting her a gift, and we got her a little plush dog. A short explanation of doll birthdays are in order, so here it goes! 

     Doll birthdays vary from owner to owner, this is how our owner has set up birthdays for us. Doll birthdays are pretty much the same as human birthdays. We celebrate living another year, just like humans do, and we have parties, too! The only real difference is that we don't age like humans. Our owner just chooses an age for us when she receives us, and that's our age forever. Emily, Natalie, and I are 13 years old, and we'll stay like that. 

     Thats all for now!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Post Featuring Many Updates

Greetings from Emily!
    Before I start, I have a very important update. We have updated our blog, so we now have a new, easier to read font; and font colors! We've updated our old posts, too. I've color-coded the posts according to who's writing. I (Emily) post in black ink. Taylor posts in pink ink. Saige posts in blue ink, and Natalie posts in purple ink. Back to my post!

      Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry that we haven't posted in a while! We've been SUPER BUSY lately! While we were gone, a lot of stuff happened, like......

     OUR OWNER'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! All of the dolls chipped in some money to buy her a mini Kirsten doll! Yay! She's been wanting a mini doll for a while...We were going to do a post on it, but we got too busy :P

     It was also Taylor's birthday! She shares a birthday with our owner, August 30th. We got her a pearl necklace.

     We're starting school on Monday! We go to Maple Meadows Doll School. Some of us are not as excited as others...

     Also, BeForever has launched. I know that we don't sound excited, but we are... It's just a big change to get used to. Our owner just wants a 1950s BeForever doll. Or for American Girl to bring Kirsten out of the archives like they did with Samantha. Maybe next year....

     Another reason that we haven't posted in a while is that we've been feeling crafty lately, but we don't know what to make! We'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have your suggestions! If you have an idea, just tell us in the comments, please! Natalie and Saige have been wanting to do some crafts ever since they got back from camp. They got to work in the craft cabin!

     We just made a survey! You can find it at the top of the page. Click on where it says "Help us improve our blog, please!", and click on the link there. Thanks!

     Well, that's pretty much all that's happened during our break! Remember to leave some comments and/or take our survey to tell us your craft/future post suggestions!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Giveaway on Doll diaries!

Once again, it's Emily!
     Super short post... Doll Diaries is having ANOTHER giveaway! This giveaway is for the A Girl For All Time Amelia. She's so pretty! You can find the giveaway/ pictures of her HERE.

Good luck!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Return of The Campers- A Photostory!

Natalie here!!
     HEY GUYS!!! I've missed seeing all of you! Well, not seeing all of you, but you know what I mean. Anyways, I am so happy to be back from camp! I was told when I got home that I was supposed to put together the first ever photostory for the blog, so I will. This is....

The (Very Short) Story of What Happened When I Got Back From Camp

Saige and I were packing up our belongings at Camp Little Lake, when the camp director, Abigail, told us to finish up so we could load our stuff onto the bus. We got onto the bus, and we left camp.

The bus driver dropped us off at home. The first thing that we saw when we walked into the door was Emily and Taylor holding up a big sign that said "WELCOME HOME!".

When we put down our bags, Taylor ran over and gave me a big hug.

Once I managed to shake Taylor off of me, I put my clothes into the washing machine and headed upstairs. When I got upstairs, I took a well-deserved bath. Camp is dirty!

When I was finished, Saige took a bath while I took my clothes out of the dryer (Emily switched my clothes around) and put them away. After I unpacked, I took a looong nap.


Thanks for reading!


P.S.- Sorry this is late! Friday was SUPER busy 'cause I had just gotten back from camp; and yesterday I was still fixing the photos for this post.

Friday, August 1, 2014

7 More Days!

Greetings from Taylor!
     Guess what?! Natalie and Saige are coming home in 7 more days! WOO HOO!! We got another letter today; this one's from Saige:

Hey Emily and Taylor!
     Saige here! Camp is so awesome! It's hard to believe that it's over next Friday... I'm going to miss it here a lot :( I really can't wait to see you guys!! Maybe Natalie and I will post one or two of the crafts that we did there on the blog. The camp director, Abigail is super nice! Did Natalie tell you that we have to have silly counselor names? My nickname is Sparky and Natalie's nickname is Green bean. We can't tell the campers our actual names; it's so hard to not call Natalie by her real name! Some of the other counselor's nicknames are Bubbles, Mittens, Ninja, Spill, and Dill (Spill and Dill are identical twins so it's super hard to tell them apart! I called Spill Dill, and I called Dill Spill for the first 2 weeks!). We have free time every Saturday and Sunday because campers arrive every week on Monday, and they leave every Friday. 
See you on Friday!
Saige (A.K.A. Sparky)

     So hopefully we can do a photostory on Friday showing when Natalie and Saige come home, but our camera isn't particularly nice. It's actually our owner's laptop! She has a camera but nobody can find the cord that connects it to the computer so we don't take very many pictures. That's the reason that we haven't done any photostories yet! Do you think that our laptop takes good enough pictures for us to do a photostory? Tell us in the comments please! That would be awesome :)


Friday, July 25, 2014

Emily and Friends is Now On Pinterest!

It's Emily, and I have wonderful news! We now have a Pinterest account! YAY! You can find/follow us here. Our boards will just show American Girl stuff; like crafts, hairstyles,and clothing ideas. We hope that you enjoy!


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

1,000 pageviews!

Hey dolls, It's Emily!
     Wonderful news, readers! We've reached 1,000 pageviews! That means that our little blog has been seen 1,000 times :D So, We'd like to thank all of you: our 6 subscribers- UPDATE! Now 7!- (we'd love it if you subscribed, it would just make our day :), the people and dolls that just enjoy looking at our blog, the people that stumbled upon here by accident, all of you! We are so very thankful for all of our readers; because the more readers we have, the happier it makes us, and happier dolls equals happier posts :)

Thank you SO SO SO much!
Emily and Friends

Monday, July 21, 2014

What Would You Like Us To Post About?

Emily here! Quick thing; we have made a new poll- called "What would you like to see on our blog?"- and we'd LOVE it if you gave us your input! Select 1-4 answers on the poll, and you can comment to tell us more about what you picked. If you selected the option "Other", then could you do us a little favor and write a comment telling us about what you'd like to see? That would be awesome :) We love getting input on what you want to see here at Emily and Friends; it helps us make a better blog, which helps you enjoy it! The poll ends on July 28th, so be sure to get your vote in!

Thanks a lot,

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hairstyling Tips and Tricks With Taylor

Hi dolls!
Taylor here once again! So, this post would have been written by Natalie, but as you probably know, she's off at camp until the end of the month *sigh*. Since Natalie's kind-of the go-to hair girl here, I'm going to try to take her place, because I am her sister. Also, I have to do the most with my hair every day to keep it looking semi-decent, so I'm pretty good with hair too. This is going to be in a Q&A format; so here it goes!

How do you keep your hair looking so smooth and shiny?

     We keep our hair shiny and smooth by 1) not touching it a lot, and 2) doing very simple styles, A.K.A. ponytails and braids. We brush our hair often, and when it's needed, we'll spray some water onto our hair before we brush it. Make sure to NOT get any water into your doll's eyes!

Is there any certain way to brush your doll's hair?

     Not really, but just be sure that you don't use a lot of force, and always use a wire brush! Make sure that you only brush straight and wavy haired dolls; not curly haired dolls like Caroline, MyAG #26, or MyAG #44 (hey, that's me!)

How do you deal with those annoying little pieces of hair that just refuse to cooperate?

     We recently discovered that brushes that people use on a baby's hair work amazingly on our hair to keep those pesky pieces of hair down! Just brush down the piece of hair after you've competed the style, and viola! The hair behaves!

What do you do to take care of Taylor's hair?

     This question seems geared more toward our owner, but since it's about me, I'm going to answer it anyway. Very simply, don't do much to it; pigtails and braids are the maximum amount of styling that my hair can handle without turing into a frizzy nightmare. Also, NEVER EVER brush curly doll hair! Our owner brushed my hair once, and it was a complete disaster. Many hours of spritzing hair and finger styling curls later, our owner learned her lesson.

Good luck with your hair, and thanks for reading!


Friday, July 4, 2014

Another camper??

Greetings from Taylor!
     So guess what! Our owner is going to camp next week too....without us! I really wish that I could have gone to Camp Little Lake with Natalie and Saige!  We really tried to convince her to let us go with her, but she just wouldn't budge on her word. Here's how our conversation went:

Owner: Quick reminder, dolls! I'm going to camp next week!
     Me: Can we go?
Owner: Nah, you might get lost, dirty, ruined, broken......the list goes on.
     Me: Please? I'll be careful!
Owner: Haven't we had this conversation before?
     Me: Umm....  (On a side note, we have had this conversation 3 times before)
Owner: Just what I thought. You know that I love you girls, but I want you to be safe. Besides,                 I'll only be there for a week!
     Me: But a week is 7 days long!!
Owner: And?
     Me: That's a long time of not being played with!
Owner: You'll survive. You can hang out with some of my other dolls, too!
     Me: Like who? I already know all of your American Girl dolls!
Owner: Well, I have the Disney Animator's Collection dolls, some Monster High dolls, and a few             Ever After High dolls, too. You can also clean up your bedroom with Emily... hint, hint.               It's a mess.
     Me: Okay...
Owner: You'll be fine.
     Me: Alright.

     And guess what? I met the Ever After High girls, and they're super nice and cool! Our owner has 6 of them; Cedar Wood, Apple White, Cerise Hood, Maddie Hatter, Raven Queen, and C.A. Cupid. I think that I'll be hanging out with them a lot next week :)


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happy First Day of Summer!

Hi dolls!
 Taylor here... Happy first day of summer!! This is going to be a really short post...oh well. We have a hermit crab now! His name is Herman. He enjoys pinching fingers :P We got a short letter from Natalie today!! Here's what she wrote:

     Hi Taylor and Emily!
Long time no see! Camp Little Lake is so amazing! Saige and I are having a GREAT time working in the arts and crafts cabin. The dolls here are super nice and friendly. So far, we've made model magic bugs, marshmallow monsters, and lots of bracelets. We'll try to send in some pictures soon. I have to go help, my next group is coming in!

See you soon,

P.S.- Saige says "HI!!"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Thoughts About Isabelle (And Other Stuff)

Hi Dolls!
     It's Emily here.. It's been 3 days since Saige and Natalie have left for Camp Little Lake, so I'm feeling a bit lonely. (A note from Taylor- You think you're lonely? Natalie's my sister!) Continuing with my post, our owner has been thinking about getting Isabelle more and more lately. Funny thing, though; at first, our owner didn't like Isabelle AT ALL. She was complaining about how she looked like a lot of the other Girl of The Year dolls. Then she started looking at her a little more, and now she's saying that she might get her... What?? One day she's complaining about her, now she wants to buy her? She told us yesterday that she realized that Elizabeth is the only blonde doll that she owns, so she would be OK with having another blonde doll. I hope that this means that we would get her after we get Addy, 'cause I've been looking forward to meeting Addy for a while. Isabelle seems like a nice doll, though. Taylor LOVES her coral sweater; she won't stop talking about it! It's a nice sweater, but I don't plan on wearing it.

     Now from Taylor, in pink ink, who kept bugging me until I let her type.
I really don't have much to tell you, but first, I wasn't bugging Emily that much... But anyways, I get to take care of Saige's bird Tallulah while she's at camp. She's really awesome and cool. Not Saige, I mean Tallulah, haha. I wanted to be a counselor too, but I forgot to send in my application form on time... Oh well, maybe next year :P 

Emily and Taylor

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Packing for Camp

Hi dolls!
Natalie and Saige here!
Natalie is in purple ink.
Saige is in blue ink. 

We're packing for camp today! Saige and I are going to be counselors!
This is very exciting since I've wanted to be a counselor for the past few years.
We are posting this as we pack, and yes, we are packing later than a lot of dolls are. Our camp starts later than, like, every other doll camp.
Which is very annoying because we like camp a lot. 
Emily isn't going to be a counselor this year. I don't think that she'll ever like camping...
She's not the outdoorsy type. She doesn't like wearing anything but dresses and skirts, so we can't see her being a counselor, which is probably for the best.
Also, our owner doesn't like letting her leave the house... Back to packing! We are going to Camp Little Lake.
Kinda weird though, 'cause it doesn't have a lake that we can swim in. We can boat though, so that's cool, I guess. 
It has a nice pool...
True, but I'd like to swim in a lake.
I don't like swimming in things that I can't see the bottom of. Ew.
We are working in the arts and crafts center. I can show my creativity!
Our owner is making us finish packing... But before we go, one short announcement: Saige and I will not be posting often from camp.
Being a counselor is time consuming and tiring :P
Emily and Taylor will be taking over our stuff (not that either of us post often anyways), but we'll try to keep you updated on our time as counselors.
Bye!- Saige
Bye!- Natalie

Monday, May 12, 2014

Giveaway at Doll Diaries!

Emily here,
     Have you heard of Doll Diaries? It's a super cool and awesome doll blog that features daily posts about stuff like crafts and photo stories. Well guess what? They're having an amazing giveaway right now! It is for A Girl For All Time Matilda; a beautiful doll with a story that takes place in the time of Henry VIII. Go check it out! The link's right here-Doll Diaries Matilda Giveaway. Good luck!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Our homemade clothing

     It's Taylor here. Today I'm going to show you our small collection of doll clothing that our owner has made for us. Our models today are Saige, Natalie, and me (Taylor).

     First, we have Saige modeling a hand-knit sweater dress, Saige's meet outfit boots, and Kaya's belt.

     Next, we have Natalie wearing a skirt, shirt, and cape, and a pair of shoes from one of Elizabeth's outfits (we don't know which outfit.. ugh).

     Now we have lovely me wearing a button print dress, headband, and the same shoes as Natalie.

     Saige again, wearing her meet dress, two different hand-crocheted sweaters, and her meet outfit boots.

     Natalie is modeling her meet outfit shirt, the pants from the retired bowling set, and 2 different aprons.

     I hope you've enjoyed our little fashion show! Comment and tell us which outfit was your favorite!


Monday, April 21, 2014

Poll winners!

Emily here!

     We are finished with our poll.. The winner is Rebecca! The votes for each doll are as follows: Rebecca- 5 votes
Addy- 4 votes
MyAG# 55- 4 votes
MyAG# 53- 3 votes

     We will get one of these dolls when we go to the American Girl Place this August.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Who is your favorite doll?

Saige here!
     I'd like to ask you all a fun question! Who is your favorite doll? It doesn't have to be an American girl doll, it can be any of your dolls that you have at home.

    Leave us a comment telling us:
     1. Which one of your dolls is your favorite and why?
     2. What doll do you want to get next and why?


Happy Easter!

Hi everyone! All of the dolls are working together on this post. We all just wanted to say... Have a very Happy Easter! Enjoy church, eggs, bunnies, and jelly beans! Have an egg hunt! Enjoy your family and friends (we certainly are!)! If you're looking for some stuff to do today, My froggy stuff on youtube has some really great Easter and spring crafts; go check them out!

Emily and Friends

P.S.- Today is the last day to vote on our poll! Make sure to cast your vote!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A New Poll

Hi! Just a quick update from Emily.. We now have polls! You can see them on the right side of this page. This week's polls are "Which MyAG doll should we get next?" and "Which historical doll should we get next?". We will start with these two polls and when we get all the results, we will take the four most voted for dolls and you will be able to vote for two of them in the next poll. Then, our owner will (most likely) get the winning doll(s) when she goes to the AG store this summer. But! we can not guarantee that she will get the winning doll(s) when we go. Why? Sometimes a certain doll kind of "speaks" to us when we see them at the store, but we are pretty much 100% sure that it will be one of the dolls on one of our polls. We made sure that we all like the choices, though. Be sure to comment and tell why you chose that doll!


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Emily in Different Outfits

Hey guys, Taylor here.
I know what you're thinking, Is there really a reason for this post? My answer- Not really! But! This is big news for us dolls here because.. Guess what! Emily's never come out of her meet dress! Not once! Never! This is really unusual for us because our owner is one to dress her dolls up in new outfits as soon as they come out of their boxes. Our owner was afraid that her dress would get messed up/lost if she changed. We aren't really sure why Emily hasn't mentioned something about this before, but now she has and our owner agreed to let her try on some new clothing!

Here she is in Natalie's meet outfit, the skirt and shirt.

And in the sweet school dress.

Modeling Saige's meet dress.

I just thought that you'd like to see this momentous occasion :) Now Emily's putting her meet outfit on again because she needs to have that on all the time unless she's dressing up for a new post or something :P


Ideas On (Possible) New Dolls

 Emily here! We are thinking about getting Marie-Grace. Saige and I think that she should get rid of the pincurls. None of us here are completely sure about that name for her (we think that it is a very pretty name, we just don't know if we think that it suits her; that's just us, though :) I'm thinking about naming her Olive, but that would mean a change of last name too. That is only because that would make her name Olive Gardner, which sounds a lot like Olive Garden, my favorite restaurant, and naming someone after a restaurant is kind of strange. Any ideas on last names? Maybe we won't even name her Olive, so the whole last name change wouldn't be necessary. It's all up to her. I like Marie-Grace's skirt set, maybe we'll get that, too.

      We also want to get Addy. I love her dress and long hair! Natalie wants to braid it. Badly. Not that she doesn't braid hair enough around here already.. Anyways, back to Addy. We are going to keep her name when we get her (we are getting her at one point), because we like it a lot. We will probably get Addy's blue dress, too. Now that I think about it, Addy is probably our first priority, with Marie- Grace coming in at a close second place.
       I'm planning on getting this stuff when I go on a wonderful trip to the AG store, but nobody's even sure if we are going yet! That's OK though, we'll just order the stuff online if we don't go (but I really want to!).


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welcome to Emily and Friends!

Hi everyone! It's Emily! I created Emily and Friends to show you some cool stuff about dolls and make some fun crafts. We'll mostly have doll crafts here, and maybe a short story here and there (but I'm not the one you should be asking about stories :). Most of this blog will be from my point of view, but the other dolls will probably post a bit, too. We have 7 American Girl dolls here, Emily (that's me!), Saige, Elizabeth, Molly, Kaya, Taylor (MyAG# 44), and Natalie (MyAG# 43). Most of the posting will be done by Saige, Taylor, Natalie, and me.
Natalie, Emily, Saige

Thanks for visiting!
