- I am finishing up the craft! It should be done by the end of this month; and I'll tell you why in a minute. I have all of the instructions written out, I just need to take the pictures and upload them.
- I am getting a new laptop! This is why I haven't posted anything lately; I've been cleaning out all of the stuff on this laptop that I don't want transferred onto the new one. This is also why I haven't finished the craft.
- I'm getting another reborn doll! Well, sorta. I only ordered the blank kit (I'll make an explanatory post when it gets here), and I need to save up some money so I can send it off to get painted and stuff. So this reborn will be finished by the beginning of next year. I can't wait!
- Natalie, Saige, and Taylor will get back from Camp Little Lake on August 22nd.
- We only have 6 months to reach our goal of 30 followers! If you like this blog, do us a favor and follow us:) You'll be one of the first to know when we make a new post!
I'm pretty sure that that's it for now... I'll let you know if anything else happens:)