Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Emily!!

Saige here!
     It's Emily's birthday today! We had a little party for her. We all put some money towards getting her a gift, and we got her a little plush dog. A short explanation of doll birthdays are in order, so here it goes! 

     Doll birthdays vary from owner to owner, this is how our owner has set up birthdays for us. Doll birthdays are pretty much the same as human birthdays. We celebrate living another year, just like humans do, and we have parties, too! The only real difference is that we don't age like humans. Our owner just chooses an age for us when she receives us, and that's our age forever. Emily, Natalie, and I are 13 years old, and we'll stay like that. 

     Thats all for now!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Post Featuring Many Updates

Greetings from Emily!
    Before I start, I have a very important update. We have updated our blog, so we now have a new, easier to read font; and font colors! We've updated our old posts, too. I've color-coded the posts according to who's writing. I (Emily) post in black ink. Taylor posts in pink ink. Saige posts in blue ink, and Natalie posts in purple ink. Back to my post!

      Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry that we haven't posted in a while! We've been SUPER BUSY lately! While we were gone, a lot of stuff happened, like......

     OUR OWNER'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! All of the dolls chipped in some money to buy her a mini Kirsten doll! Yay! She's been wanting a mini doll for a while...We were going to do a post on it, but we got too busy :P

     It was also Taylor's birthday! She shares a birthday with our owner, August 30th. We got her a pearl necklace.

     We're starting school on Monday! We go to Maple Meadows Doll School. Some of us are not as excited as others...

     Also, BeForever has launched. I know that we don't sound excited, but we are... It's just a big change to get used to. Our owner just wants a 1950s BeForever doll. Or for American Girl to bring Kirsten out of the archives like they did with Samantha. Maybe next year....

     Another reason that we haven't posted in a while is that we've been feeling crafty lately, but we don't know what to make! We'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have your suggestions! If you have an idea, just tell us in the comments, please! Natalie and Saige have been wanting to do some crafts ever since they got back from camp. They got to work in the craft cabin!

     We just made a survey! You can find it at the top of the page. Click on where it says "Help us improve our blog, please!", and click on the link there. Thanks!

     Well, that's pretty much all that's happened during our break! Remember to leave some comments and/or take our survey to tell us your craft/future post suggestions!
